
Google Geocoding API error: The request was denied.

We are waiting for your coming.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Bristol County Aikikai <\/h3>\n \n \n

Bristol County Aikikai is affiliated with the United States Aikido Federation (USAF) under the direction of Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, 8th dan. Our dojo, located in Bristol Co., Taunton, MA., offers classes in AIKIDO, The Martial Art of Peace. Classes are taught in a safe and secure environment in a non-competitive, friendly atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect with FUN. Aikido training helps with development of a positive self-image, promotes self-esteem, and builds strong character and self-confidence.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"42.856172","lng":"-2.684974","icon":"","title":"Vitoria-Gasteiz Gazalbide","content":"\n

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Vitoria-Gasteiz Gazalbide<\/h3>\n \n \n

Dojo de Aikido en Alava (Euskadi) perteneciente a ACAE de AIKIKAI en Espa\u00f1a dirigida por el Shihan Yasunari Kitaura. PLaza Juana Jug\u00e1n 41 int 01009 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Pa\u00eds Vasco).<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"-33.44508200645786","lng":"-70.67401777663362","icon":"","title":"Aikikai Chile","content":"\n

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Aikikai Chile<\/h3>\n \n \n

Directed by Jorge Rojo Shihan (7th Dan Tokyo) Subway\/Underground: Uni\u00f3n Latinoamericana (Line 1)<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido Aikikai Valpara\u00edso<\/h3>\n \n \n
Dojo Aikikai Valpara\u00edso the clases are done by Sensei Jorge Bertuccio that has a 4 \u00b0 Dan (FAEI) and Sempai Felipe Cuellar thats has 2 \u00b0 kyu (FEDENACHAA). Its guarded by \"The Aikikai Cultural Center\" of Aikido in Chile and managed by Shihan Jorge Rojo that has a 7 \u00b0 Dan (Aikikai Tokyo). The classes are on Tuesday and Thursday 21:00 hrs. First week of practice is completely free. Av. Col\u00f3n 2429 Arias Workshop Blue garage door (in front of Van Buren Hospital). Guests to participate!<\/div>\n \n \n

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Kurita Juku Aiki Dojo Central<\/h3>\n \n \n
Kurita Juku Aiki ofrece una oportunidad valiosa y \u00fanica de estudiar aikido aut\u00e9ntico por parte de este maestro nacido en Jap\u00f3n. El valor es alto, ya que Kurita Shihan no s\u00f3lo recibi\u00f3 ense\u00f1anzas directamente del creador del aikido, tambi\u00e9n fue su escriba (persona que documentaba la esne\u00f1anza).\r\n\r\nExisten 5 dojos afiliados a KJA. El dojo central se encuentra en San Jer\u00f3nimo, en la Ciudad de M\u00e9xico, donde a la fecha Kurita Shihan da clase.\r\n\r\nTe extendemos cordialmente una invitaci\u00f3n a ponerte en contacto con nosotros y agendar una clase de prueba. Esperamos que el aikido inspire tu vida y tu crecimiento interior.\r\n\r\n<\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"45.531120390359106","lng":"-122.68806815163028","icon":"","title":"Portland Aikikai","content":"\n

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Portland Aikikai<\/h3>\n \n \n

Portland Aikikai Portland Aikikai was founded in 1992 by Yoko Okamoto and Christopher Mulligan, after having finished a period of intensive training at the Aikikai World Headquarters in Tokyo. \u00a0 Portland Aikikai,\u00a0a member of the\u00a0United States Aikido Federation,\u00a0 is not a training hall, it is a Dojo, where students learn \"d\u014d\" or the \"way\" through everyday practice.\u00a0 \u00a0 The Portland Aikikai practices the\u00a0Aikikai Style,\u00a0 the classical form derived from the teachings of the founder,\u00a0 Morihei Ueshiba. \u00a0 We strive to maintain the environment of a traditional Japanese dojo and\u00a0are committed to a\u00a0vision of an authentic, rigorous and welcoming community. \u00a0 This vision has been sustained for over twenty years.\u00a0Through the community of Portland Aikikai and through the Art of Aikido, students from a variety of cultures, races, and ages learn their role in the community as well as their role in greater society.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Kumgang<\/h3>\n \n \n

Escuela de Aikido vinculada a la Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Aikikai Espa\u00f1a A.C.A.E. Diego S\u00e1nchez Campos 6\u00ba dan Aikikai Domingo 10:30 a 13:00 horas Eloy Bustamante Torres 4\u00ba dan Aikikai Benjamin Garcia Garcia 4\u00ba dan Aikikai Martes y Jueves 20:30 a 22:00 horas<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"35.65889471690769","lng":"139.905219834546","icon":"","title":"NPO Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu","content":"\n

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NPO Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu<\/h3>\n \n \n

Ryu Headquarters Dojo is the center around which all NPO Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu activities revolve, drawing in students from all over Japan. Every year aikido enthusiasts from many different countries come to stay here at the Ryu Headquarters Dojo. From early in the morning each day, Ando Shihan, his apprentices and his teaching staff devote themselves exclusively to the daily practice and teaching of aikido. Tsuneo Ando Shihan is the chief instructor at Ryu Headquarters Dojo and the head of Non Profit Organisation Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu.He was born in 1956 in Nihama City, Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku. He attended Tokushima University where he studied engineering. Ando Sensei joined the Tokushima University Aikido Club where he first became captivated by aikido. After graduating from university he was briefly employed by a chemical company, however he quickly decided that the life of a Japanese salary-man was not for him. He had already been greatly impressed by Shioda Sensei`s technique when he attended a Yoshinkan Aikido training camp and so, in 1981, he joined the Yoshinkai as\u00a0uchi deshi\u00a0(apprentice). Ando Sensei spent over 14 years at the Yoshinkan as an apprentice. Ando Sensei was awarded the title of\u00a0shihan\u00a0(Master) in 1993 and he currently holds the rank of 8th dan in Yoshinkan Aikido. He also reached the rank of 2nd dan in aikikai during his time at Tokushima University. Ando Sensei is highly sought after as a teacher - not only in Japan but all around the world - for his technique; which most directly resembles Shioda Sensei`s; and for the warmth of his personality. In 1990, Ando Sensei was instrumental in forming the Urayasu City Aikido Association. This association is unique in being the only organisation in the world where the Yoshinkai and the Aikikai cooperate on various local activities. He is also currently the Chief Instructor at the Yoshinkan Aikido Headquarters Dojo in Tokyo. \u00a0<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Kenshukai<\/h3>\n \n \n

L\u00ednea de la escuela de Kurata Sensei Lunes y Mi\u00e9rcoles de 20.30 a 22.30 hs<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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ASA Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

Academy of Scientific Aikido (ASA) established in May 2017.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Centro Cultural de Aikido Taiyo No Kokoro<\/h3>\n \n \n

We are a group afilliated to FEDENACHAA (Chilean Federation of Aikido Aikikai) and supervised by Shihan Jorge Rojo 7\u00b0 Dan of Aikido Aikikai, we practice in the city of Coquimbo in Coquimbo Region, Chile, you can visit our facebook page \"Aikido Cuarta Regi\u00f3n\"\u00a0<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"46.127144936746596","lng":"-122.93293040775568","icon":"","title":"Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School","content":"\n

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Shinju Dojo Aikido Martial Arts School<\/h3>\n \n \n

At Shinju Dojo, we believe just about anyone can learn Aikido the way we teach our self defense. You do not have to be in shape or of a particular build or body type. We have had people with bad backs, cranky knees, and missing limbs enjoy our class. Our lead instructor is a woman. While we don't have a women's only class, we specialize in understanding women's needs. There is no intimidation, there are no body builders, there are no power moves, no competitions, and we are injury-free in our dojo. We become a second family to our members. We teach primarily adults, and have a minimum age requirement of 15 years. We are a resource for adults and teens to grow their self confidence and become who they were meant to be. We are an informal dojo and encourage questions whenever they arise. We want our members to have fun and love it when people spend the class laughing! All that is needed is a smile and a love of learning. Give us a call today!<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aiki-Ishinryu (NPO IAA)<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aiki-ishinryu style, this style is synthesis of traditional style such as Takeda-ryu aikijujitsu, Jujitsu-kenpo and Brazilian jujitsu. Also this style has the way of dealing with katana, shuriken, jo, mokken and shugi. We focus on the practical way of self defense. Whatever you train, you are always welcome to join us! We are looking forward to seeing you all here in Tokyo, Japan.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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mushin dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

entrenamientos dinamicos , que buscan lograr la comprension del aikido en un ambiente de compa\u00f1erismo ,y perseverancia lunes a viernes de 7 a 8 am, y 8 a 9 am. lunes a viernes de 7 a 8:30 pm sabados : aikido ni\u00f1os 10 a 11 am sabados : aikido 11 a 12 45 y mas...<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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C.M.G. Marzial Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

La Palestra si trova in Sardegna Ed \u00e8 gestita da un Insegnante 3\u00b0 Dan e due aspiranti allenatori tutti qualificati FIJLKAM.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Dojo Shobu Aiki<\/h3>\n \n \n

EN: A small dojo with few students, lots of peace and quiet for a good ocosional training. We trained following the line of Sensei Yamada and with strong influences of Sensei Nishio. PT:Um pequeno Dojo com poucos alunos, muita paz e tranquilidade para um bom treino ocosional. Treinamos seguindo a linha do Sensei Yamada e com fortes influ\u00eancias do Sensei Nishio.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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newen dojo <\/h3>\n \n \n

dojo parte de la organizacion chilena de aikido , que busca una practica matutina, que energice cuerpo y mente , donde se puede practicar con diversos maestros el arte del aikido. martes y jueves : 8 a 9 am<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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La Nucia<\/h3>\n \n \n

Escuela de Aikido vinculada a la Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Aikikai Espa\u00f1a A.C.A.E. Ciudad Deportiva Camilo Cano, La Nucia - ALICANTE Angel Hern\u00e1ndez Escobar 5\u00ba dan Aikikai Lunes y Mi\u00e9rcoles 19:00 a 20:00 horas Ni\u00f1os Lunes y Mi\u00e9rcoles 20:00 a 21:30 horas Adultos<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"-33.447643461754645","lng":"-70.65092422099485","icon":"","title":"IkigaiChile","content":"\n

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IkigaiChile<\/h3>\n \n \n

El aikido es una forma de vida, la persona que entra a un dojo jamas dejara de ser el mismo, Ikigai es la mejor definicion de como vivimos el aikido.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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IRAN AIKIDO<\/h3>\n \n \n

Iran Aikido Dojo ready for teach you in Aikikai Way .<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido of Arlington<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikido of Arlington, led by Yvonne Thelwell sensei (5th dan), practices aikido in the Iwama-ryu tradition. The dojo was founded by Donny Lyon sensei (4th dan) in 1989. Both Lyon sensei and Thelwell sensei spent time studying as uchi-deshi under Morihiro Saito sensei in Iwama, Japan. After Lyon sensei's passing in 1996, Thelwell sensei\u2014being a sempai at the dojo\u2014stepped in as dojo-cho and chief instructor.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Llunatics<\/h3>\n \n \n

Escuela de Aikido vinculada a la Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Aikikai Espa\u00f1a A.C.A.E. Ronda de las Murallas, 42 Denia - ALICANTE Jos\u00e9 Mota Sala 2\u00ba dan Aikikai Lunes y Mi\u00e9rcoles 20:00 a 21:30 horas<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Ronin<\/h3>\n \n \n

Grupo de Aikido que cuenta con miembros con m\u00e1s de 25 a\u00f1os de practica, contando con 5\u00ba Dan Aikikai del instructor, Juan Ram\u00f3n Hita. Junto a otros dojos de la Comunidad, formamos la Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Valenciana de Aikido (ACVA), la cual forma parte a su vez de la Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Aikikai de Espa\u00f1a (ACAE). Aikido Ronin Valencia, se encuentra bajo la supervisi\u00f3n t\u00e9cnica del Maestro Yasunari Kitaura Shihan, delegado del Aikikai Hombu Doju en Espa\u00f1a.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"49.72452391022618","lng":"-123.15338250677614","icon":"","title":"Grant Babin","content":"\n

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Grant Babin<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikidaily, a community dedicated to earnest daily Aikido practice located in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Yamato Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

Founded on November 30, 1999, in charge of promoting aikido in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil . We practice traditional aikido - takemussu aiki. Practitioner since 1994, Mauro Salgueiro Sensei is a 3rd dan fukushidoin, under the supervision of Wagner Bull Shihan 7\u00ba dan. Our Regular classes: Mondays \/ Wednesdays \/ Fridays 07: 00 a.m \/ 08: 15 a.m 7:30 p.m\/ 8:30 p.m 8:30 p.m\/ 9:30 p.m<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikikai Las Condes<\/h3>\n \n \n

Club Deportivo Aikikai Las Condes<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Mizu Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

Dojo de Aikido de la Ciudad de Rosario, a cargo de C\u00e9sar A. Casas, 2\u00ba Dan, perteneciente a la Asociaci\u00f3n Kei Ki Aikido de Argentina, presidida por Sensei Gustavo Figueroa, 5\u00ba Dan, y afiliada a Aikido Sansuikai Internacional.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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D.A.S. Difesa Arte Spirito<\/h3>\n \n \n
D.A.S. Difesa Arte Spirito is a young Italian organisation that offers courses of JuJutsu both antique and modern ways. We have started to work in 2016 promoting JuJutsu at schools. Our main idea was to show children and parents the positive influence of martial arts on nowadays life. And infact we did it! Now we are proud masters of our little samurai. We are interested in sharing experience with other masters of JuJutsu and related martial arts. All of you are welcome! :)<\/div>\n \n \n

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Sansuikai Madrid Agatsu Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

Agatsu Dojo es una de las escuelas oficiales de Sansuikai Madrid bajo la supervision Tecnica de Jesus Noriega Sensei 4th Dan Aikikai Shidoin y estudiante Directo de Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan 8th Dan Aikikai Director de la organizacion Sansuikai Europe \/ International y la USAF. La Escuela Aikido Agatsu dojo se dictan actualmente en el GIMNASIO LORENZO PARRA, Contamos con unas instalaciones apropiadas para la pr\u00e1ctica y aprendizaje del aikido. En total, 80 metros cuadrados corresponden al \u00e1rea de pr\u00e1ctica, la cual est\u00e1 equipada con un piso especial para las ca\u00eddas (Tatamis). Asimismo, dispone de gimnasio para culturismo, Vestuarios cada uno con su ba\u00f1o completo, un \u00e1rea para las visitas, y un espacio para la administraci\u00f3n, venta de os, uniformes, inscripciones y venta de bebidas hidratantes. Los horarios del Dojo Central Agatsu. Martes y Jueves 20:00 a 21:30 Sabados 9:00 a 10:30<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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AIKIDO UCV<\/h3>\n \n \n

El Dojo de aikido UCV, se encuentra ubicado en la ciudad Maracay, se imparten clases Aikido para ni\u00f1os, j\u00f3venes y adultos. En esta escuela mediante la pr\u00e1ctica constante se imparten conocimientos t\u00e9cnicos, funcional y filos\u00f3ficos del arte del aikido. Nuestros valores fundamentales el honor, el respeto, la amistad y los valores filos\u00f3ficos, gran legado de O Sensei, las cuales se aplican diariamente en la pr\u00e1ctica y el entrenamiento, as\u00ed como la pasi\u00f3n este arte marcial. Actualmente de dojo se encuentra bajo la direcci\u00f3n de Eric Tovar Sensei 2\u00b0 Dan.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"29.975544838779488","lng":"-90.09706989592524","icon":"","title":"NOLA Aikido","content":"\n

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NOLA Aikido<\/h3>\n \n \n

Located in New Orleans\u2019 Mid-City, we offer training in the Japanese martial art of Aikido. We\u2019re committed to helping every student, from beginner to advanced, learn and grow at their own pace. In time, young and old alike can become more fit, more confident, with a greater sense of well-being. Classes for both adults and children are offered<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"59.94311358941803","lng":"30.43440030638679","icon":"","title":"Syamy-kan","content":"\n

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Syamy-kan<\/h3>\n \n \n

St\u00e9phane Benedetti Shihan way<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido_v_Sokolnikah<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikido Club in Sokolniki was founded on February 1, 2007, and since then has been actively involved in the international practice of martial arts. It is part of the Aikido Aikikai Federation, officially recognized as Hombu Dojo (Japan). The main directions taught in the hall are: - Aikido Aikikai (\u6c17 \u9053 \u5408 \u6c17 \u4f1a) - Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu (\u6771\u6d41 \u5408 \u6c17 \u67d4 \u8853) - All-style karate school SEN-E. Thanks to the peculiarities of both types of martial arts, the club is engaged in both children from 4 years old, and adults, to the oldest age. Training takes place 7 days a week, from 6 am to 11 pm. Classes are conducted in groups and individually. During the existence of the club, more than 20 black belts emerged from the walls of our dojo. In total, the club involved more than 800 people, of which more than 150, at the moment, continue to train regularly.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido Tolosa Dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikido Tolosa Dojo pertenece a Kansha Escuela de Aikido (Uruguay-Argentina), que esta bajo la direccion de Alejandro Nu\u00f1ez Sensei 5to dan Aikikai. Aikido Tolosa Dojo esta desde el a\u00f1o 2010 impartiendo clases de aikido en la region, supervisado por Nelson Delgado Sensei 3er dan Aikikai<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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M.A.S. Movimento Arte Sport<\/h3>\n \n \n
M.A.S. Movimento Arte Sport is an Italian sportive organisation worked since 2012 with the main idea of promotion martial arts, especially Aikido, and physical activity in general. \r\nM.A.S. was founded by Massimiliano Barduco, Maestro di Aikido V\u00b0 Dan Hombu dojo Tokyo, ADO UISP, who follows Christian Tissier Shihan.\r\nThe courses of Aikido are open for children, teenagers and adults. <\/div>\n \n \n

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Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Sanse Aikikai (ACSA)<\/h3>\n \n \n

La Asociaci\u00f3n Cultural Sanse Aikikai (ACSA) es una entidad sin animo de lucro, registrada oficialmente en la Comunidad de Madrid, cuyo objetivo es promover la difusi\u00f3n del Aikido siguiendo los principios t\u00e9cnicos del Aikikai Hombu Dojo de Tokio, Jap\u00f3n. Uno de sus fines es el de desarrollar y dar conocer el Aikido como forma cultural y arte marcial tradicional de origen japon\u00e9s, siguiendo los principios b\u00e1sicos y filos\u00f3ficos de su fundador Morihei Ueshiba. Apoya las iniciativas y proyectos de entidades publicas y privadas cuyos fines sean la difusi\u00f3n del Aikido a nivel nacional como internacional. Presidente & Director T\u00e9cnico: Fernando Gast\u00f3n Lourido Mendez Shidoin<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido en San Isidro <\/h3>\n \n \n

Sensei Roberto Maniscalco - 4to Dan Martes y Jueves 18:30 hs. Av. Centenario 1160 - San Isidro Sede Central: Kurata Dojo<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Kurita Juku Aiki Veracruz<\/h3>\n \n \n

Kurita Juku Aiki Veracruz Instructors: Griselda Ramon and Armando Rivera Under surveillance of Dojo Central at Mexico City Kurita Juku Aiki Director: Y. Kurita Shihan Address: Delfino Valenzuela 404 City: Veracruz State: Veracruz Zip code: 91919, Schedule: Mon, Wend, Fri: 07:20 - 08-45 Thus, Thue: 18:50 - 20:15 Sat: 07:45 - 10:00 All visitors welcome; Aikido practicers first class with voluntary contribution. Call before. Mob: +52 2299 333588, +52 2299 821685 http:\/\/ https:\/\/\/kuritajukuaiki.veracruz<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido in Sydney<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikido in Sydney is part of the Great Ocean Aikido Community and offers classes for kids, teens and adults in aikido as well as classes in atemi jutsu and weapons for adults.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Tarbiat Modares University Aikikai dojo<\/h3>\n \n \n

this dojo is under Iran Aikido. our dojo is affiliated under Aikikai Hombu dojo, and under supervision of Kobayashi Shihan, and Ishigaki Shihan.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Aikido Fuijsan Panama<\/h3>\n \n \n

El objetivo fundamental de nuestra organizaci\u00f3n es difundir y masificar el Aikido tal como fue la voluntad de su creador \u201cO sensei\u201d Ueshiba Morihei, quien afirmaba que si todos los hombres de la tierra practicaran Aikido no existir\u00edan las guerras. El Dojo sigue a la organizaci\u00f3n Aikido Sansuikai International, encabezada por el Shihan Yamada 8vo. Dan, Yoshimitsu, que es miembro de la organizaci\u00f3n Aikikai con sede en Jap\u00f3n y herencia del fundador. Aikikai hoy d\u00eda, est\u00e1 dirigida por el nieto del creador del Aikido, Ueshiba Moriteru quien tiene la responsabilidad de la difusi\u00f3n del arte a nivel internacional.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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SCAI<\/h3>\n \n \n

We active in promoting aikido Aikikai for children and adults in several districts of Saint-Petersburg (Russia). WELCOME! Akademika Konstantinova st., 6\/2 (Kalininskiy district) Santiago-de-Cuba st., 4\/2 (Vyborgskiy district) Bolshoi av. Vasilievskiy island, 65 (Vasilievskiy island's district)<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n \n \n<\/div>\n"},{"lat":"-22.909672101708324","lng":"-43.28430800307038","icon":"","title":"Nagare Dojo Aikido","content":"\n

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Nagare Dojo Aikido<\/h3>\n \n \n

Nagare dojo Aikido Dojo Cho - M\u00e1rcio Teixeira Oliveira - 3rd Dan Aikikai Aikikai membership 180241 Filia\u00e7\u00f5es - Aikido Circle Leoni, Brazil aikikai, Aikido Internationational Club.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Toronto Aikikai<\/h3>\n \n \n

Toronto Aikikai was established in 1974 to study, promote and provide instruction in the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Toronto Aikikai is affiliated with the\u00a0Shin Kaze Aikido Alliance\u00a0(Shin Kaze), an organization of affiliated Aikido schools in Canada, the United States and the rest of the world, and through it, with the\u00a0Aikikai Foundation, or Hombu Dojo, the Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. As of 2000, Toronto Aikikai also offers instruction in the martial art of Iaido. Classes at Toronto Aikikai are held seven days a week and are taught by highly qualified instructors. The Chief Instructor is Robert Zimmermann Shihan, who holds the rank of Nanadan (7th\u00a0degree black belt) and the title of Shihan (Master Instructor) in Aikido and the rank of Shodan (1st\u00a0degree black belt) in Iaido.\u00a0He studied under the direction of\u00a0Mitsunari Kanai Shihan, 8th\u00a0dan, Chief Instructor of New England Aikikai,\u00a0Yukio Kawahara Shihan, 8th\u00a0dan, Technical Director of the Canadian Aikido Federation\u00a0and\u00a0Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, 8th\u00a0dan, Chief Instructor of New York Aikikai. Kanai Shihan and Yamada Shihan were direct disciples of O-Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of Aikido, and Kawahara Shihan was a direct disciple of Bansen Tanaka Shihan, a direct disciple of O-Sensei. Robert began practicing Aikido in 1967, and has trained and taught at seminars and training camps in Canada, the United States, Japan, Mexico, Central and South America, Israel and Europe. He is a Founding Member of Shin Kaze, a member of its Board of Directors and a member of its Technical Committee. He is also a former member of the Technical Committee of the United States Aikido Federation, a former member of the Board of Directors of the United States Aikido Federation, the Canadian Aikido Federation and the Ontario Aikido Federation. Visitors are always welcome to watch and participate in Aikido or Iaido classes during any of the scheduled practice times. You can join Toronto Aikikai by simply seeing a member or the instructor, and filling out a brief form.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Iyasaka Aikidoklubb<\/h3>\n \n \n

Aikikai Dojo located in the center of Stockholm, Sweden with daily classes ecept for the summer do we have reduced schedule.<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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UBK Ki Dojo Catalunya<\/h3>\n \n \n

En UBK ense\u00f1amos y practicamos v\u00edas tradicionales y modernas que utilizan instrumentos de desarrollo f\u00edsico, mental, emocional y espiritual de eficacia demostrada a lo largo de los siglos. Puedes probar las clases gratuitamente. 35 a\u00f1os de experiencia. Ense\u00f1anza de calidad. Profesorado cualificado titulado. Clases, talleres y atenci\u00f3n individual. Particulares y empresas. UBK es miembro de: Ki No Kenkyukai International Association (Asociaci\u00f3n para el estudio de la energ\u00eda vital), Ki No Kenkyukai Espa\u00f1a, European School of Tai Chi Chuan, Asociaci\u00f3n de Arteterapeutas Transdisciplinarios para el Desarrollo Humano (ATh), integrante de la Federaci\u00f3n Espa\u00f1ola de Asociaciones Profesionales de Arteterapia (FEAPA).<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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New Body Aikikai Valladolid<\/h3>\n \n \n

Dojo New Body Gimnasio<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Minatoku Aikikai<\/h3>\n \n \n

We practise Aikikai style Aikido. Visitors and beginners are welcome. Location: Budo-jo 3rd floor, Minato-ku Sports Center, Minato Park Shibaura Bld., Shibaura 1-16-1, Tokyo Only 2 minutes walk from Yamanote line Tamachi Station, east exit, or from Mita Station, exit A7 (cross the street, walk into the small alley next to the Mitsubishi showroom and through the pedestrian tunnel to cross the tracks). Instructors: Ota sensei, 7th dan Aikikai Fujihiro sensei, 6th dan Aikikai Sugawara shihan from Aikikai World Headquarters, 7th dan (once a month) Training times: Tuesday 19:00-21:00 (open day for anyone) (dojo is open 18:00-22:00) Wednesday 15:30-17:00 (children`s class) Friday 19:00-20:30 (for club members, but visitors are welcome) (dojo is open 18:00-22:00) 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 10:00-11:30 (open day for Minato ku residents) Training etiquette: Arriving late for training is not a problem. We all have our obligations outside the dojo. Just bow in when entering, and bow to the instructors. Then warm up and join the class. Visitors are welcome to watch at any time. Just go to the rear of the dojo (the right side when you enter). Cost: Entry to Sports Center: 500 Yen for Minato-ku residents (200 Yen if you register), 800 Yen for non-residents of Minato-ku. Training: Club membership 3000 Yen\/month. However, Tuesday and Sunday are open dojo days, so non-members can join. Membership is required to take tests for grading. Also, members do not need to pay entrance to the Sports Center on Fridays (free ticket at the sports center reception counter). Requirements: None. No preconditions for age or physical condition; all can participate to the best of their abilities. Dress: Members are requested to buy an Aikido\/Judo\/Karate uniform (any is OK). For visitors, loose-fitting sports wear (e.g. sweat pants and T-shirt) is fine. Short pants are not recommended, as there is some kneeling and moving on the ground involved. Language: Instruction is in Japanese, but English is understood. Like with other martial arts, language is not really an issue... just learn by doing! Questions? Send an e-mail to minatoaiki@gmail . com Or just come and take a look<\/p><\/div>\n \n \n

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Don't search what makes us different, but what makes us equal.

Isabel Planells - 4 Dan