How to add an aikidoka to your dojo

Your dojo can have aikidokas. To add them you have to create an aikidoka first and then assign them to your dojo.

  • Login or register your account (so you can later make changes)

    from the top right menu

  • Go to "New Aikidoka"

    Fill the required information

    • Select "Published" if you want it to be visible, or "no" if you want to save it and edit it later
  • Submit it

    Submit the new added aikidoka

  • Go to menu "My dojos"

    Select the dojo where the aikidoka practices

  • Click on the icon to edit the dojo

    At the right above the image

  • Go to the section "Student"

    Select "Add ítem"

  • Select the aikidokas

    who practice in the dojo

  • Save it

Now you should see the aikidokas you added on your dojo.

Please contact me (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any trouble.

Don't search what makes us different, but what makes us equal.

Isabel Planells - 4 Dan